Welcome to my little world of digital scrapbooking. I hope you enjoy these freebies as much as I enjoyed making them and that during your brief visit you will receive a sense of satisfaction and well-being. Come back and visit again real soon and have a God-filled day.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Weekly Scripture – Psalm 46:10 Freebie

This may come as a surprise to those that know me, but I am a fixer. (I can hear all my kids going DUH!).  I have this perpetual need to “fix” everybody’s problems.  Now that can be good when they come to me for my opinion and assistance, but not so good when they don’t want that assistance.  My sister says I just like to be in control.  That probably goes back to when we were kids and I, being the oldest, was always being admonished by my father with sayings like - “You’re the oldest, why’d you let them do this?” or “You’re the oldest, take care of your sister and brother.”  So naturally, I grew up thinking I had to fix everything and everybody.  I was in control.

Well, then along came God into my life, and He says He is in control.  WHAT? I am supposed to sit back and let God be in charge?  In His timing?  Me, the most impatient person in the world?  Hello, do you know me?

So, the monumental struggle in my life began.  God, in his infinite wisdom and love, just patiently waits for me to flop around on my own as I foolishly try to “be in control” of my life.  HA!  I have learned that it goes so much easier when I let Him be in charge.  Uses up a whole lot less energy too if I don’t worry and just let Him handle it all.  So this brings me to the Scripture for the week, Psalm 46:10.  “Be still, and know that I am God.”  Simple words, but such a powerful statement.  We live in a broken world, but God is still in charge.

So my freebie for today is this scripture with a cross.  I am also giving you the cross by itself.  Enjoy and have a God-filled day.

Psalm 46

You can download here.