I have just discovered Windows Live, which has all kinds of components, including Windows Messenger, Mail, Photo and Writer. I could care less about the Messenger or Mail, but I am definitely interested in Writer and maybe Photo.
Windows Writer is supposedly a WYSIWYG editor for writing to your blogs. So I am writing this post in Windows Live. I had all kinds of problems getting the settings done correctly, but once I got it right, it was a breeze.
We were watching TV yesterday and Ryan decided he wanted some of his beef jerky as a snack. He was sitting in the recliner, but had to move to the desk because he had an audience. These pictures will show you what I mean.
In case you can’t tell, that is Squeekers the Cat and the two dogs, Dixie and Sam, that are determined to have a share of Ryan’s snack. Squeekers had the advantage because he could almost get his face into the bag, but Sam and Dixie had to wait their turn. It is tough eating anything around our house.
You might also notice the couch behind Ryan. The dogs have made this couch their own. And when Ryan accidently tore a small piece off the edge of it, the dogs completed the act by tearing it to shreds one day when we were gone. Sometimes when we leave them alone, they retaliate by tearing things up. It is usually just paper or plastic hangers we give them, but sometimes it is more destructive, like the couch, shoes, or the latest victim: the remote control for my big TV.
And they say dogs are FUN.
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