Welcome to my little world of digital scrapbooking. I hope you enjoy these freebies as much as I enjoyed making them and that during your brief visit you will receive a sense of satisfaction and well-being. Come back and visit again real soon and have a God-filled day.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Wintr’y Wonder Freebie

I do not have a creative bone in my body.  But God, in his infinite wisdom (or should I say humor), gave me the talent to do creative things.  So consequently, I can do, I just can’t think of things to do.  When I was a teenager, I started oil painting and was fairly decent.  There are still family members who have some of those paintings hanging on their walls still.  But I had to have a teacher or a picture to do it from.  Then years later, when I had teenagers of my own, I got into painting ceramics.  But again, I had to have a picture or a teacher to tell me what colors to paint it.  I couldn’t “see” it in color.  My daughter Brandi could do that.  She would look at a piece of white bisque and see it in color so would know what it would look like if she painted it those colors.  I would look at it and see just a white piece of bisque.  Very frustrating.

Well, now my creative side is into digital scrapbooking.  And again, I have that creative problem.  I love creating new things and would love to design new kits, but for the life of me, have no idea what to put into them other than papers, frames and bows.  Every time I look at a kit, I think “Wow, that’s cool.  Wish I had thought of that.”  But I didn’t and I can’t.

Over at Hummie’s World, I am part of a Designing Class, which has been quite fun.  She has started the class of with teaching about blogs and how to start one, creating Terms of Use, kit previews and zipping, etc, etc.  You learn something new with every class she teaches.   Anyway, occasionally she also does a color challenge and this month I decided to participate in that.  So here is my kit of….papers, frames and bows.  And I added a Quick Page too.  There are 10 papers, 3 frames, 5 bows, 3 ribbons, one tag and one scripture.

MHALL_Wintr'y Wonder

Here is the free Quick Page included in the zip file

MHALL_Wintr'y Wonder_ QuickPage

         Download the papers

         Download the elements

Hope you enjoy the kit and have a God-filled day.


Dana Lea - SU Stamper! said...

I downloaded your kit. Played with the quick page, put pictures of my and my dogs. The best pic I have of the two of them did not work with a round frame, so I had to use one where whathisname is holding them so you can see his belly. :) Of course the scripture didn't really go with the dogs.. but I didn't want to take the time to change the tag to something more appro. I love the colors though, and some of those bows are outstanding.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 09 Jan [LA 03:41am, NY 06:41am, UK 11:41am, OZ 10:41pm] ).

Greenfingers said...

You've made a great job of using those colours- some really neat backgrounds there by the look of it:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Jan. 09, 2010. Thanks again.

Judy Rice said...

Thank you for taking the challenge. I really love the colors you used in this kit. Thank you again. Have a blessed day.

Anonymous said...

you kit is gorgeous. thank you so much for sharing HareyGil

cherished said...