Welcome to my little world of digital scrapbooking. I hope you enjoy these freebies as much as I enjoyed making them and that during your brief visit you will receive a sense of satisfaction and well-being. Come back and visit again real soon and have a God-filled day.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Moon and stars inspiration & Freebie

Inspiration can come to you in many different ways.  For example, my post from yesterday received a comment from Kathi at All Things Digital Scrapbooking that she was posting my freebie at her site.  Now this was a new one for me so I had to go look of course and was very pleasantly surprised.  She only posts about 45-50 freebies that she personally finds on various different blogs without using a computer-generated list.  (You can find her HERE.)

So I had a few minutes this morning while I was waiting for the kids to get ready for church and I found a lovely paper with the moon and stars on it so went to that blog and downloaded it.  Then I went to church and one of the songs our worship team sang was Cannons by Phil Wickham.  I was singing along and really enjoying myself when it dawned on me that the lyrics said “the moon and the stars declare who you are.”  That’s when I got distracted (shame on me!) and starting thinking about putting the lyrics on the moon and stars paper I had just downloaded.  Here’s what it looks like.

Lyrics to Cannons by Phil Wickham.  Moon Papers by Pixel Scrapbooking at  http://heart-scrapbooking.blogspot.com.  Fonts used are Orange LET and Beautiful ES.

I can’t give you the paper but you can download it from Pixel Scrapbooking HERE.  I can, however, give you the lyrics that I put together.  Here’s the preview for that.


I am giving you the psd file so you can change the verse color as well as the extra words.  You can download HERE.  Hope you enjoy it and have a God-filled day.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Wintr’y Wonder Add-On Freebie

We have a dog Sam who is mostly Lab and does not realize that he is a big dog.  He thinks he is Randy’s playmate.  He also thinks my recliner is his and does not appreciate it when I make him move.  When the kids go outside, he has to be with them or he stands at the door and barks.  When they are jumping on the trampoline, we put him on his lead so he can be outside, but all he does is bark because he can’t actually be next to the kids.  And when Randy sleeps on the couch, this is where Sam sleeps. 


What caused us to get the camera was that Sam had his head laying on Randy’s head and his left paw on her face.  But by the time we got back with the camera he had moved.  He likes being where she is.

I decided it was time to take down my Christmas blog layout and replace it with a different one.  I like the color palette of the Wintr’y Wonder Kit I did earlier this month so decided to use that.  We are still having lots of cold weather here, so the colors suit.  When I got to the header, I needed more elements, so I created more to add to the kit.  So then I decided to let you have the additional elements as an Add-on to the kit. 


You can download here.  Enjoy and have a God-filled day.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Wintr’y Wonder Freebie

I do not have a creative bone in my body.  But God, in his infinite wisdom (or should I say humor), gave me the talent to do creative things.  So consequently, I can do, I just can’t think of things to do.  When I was a teenager, I started oil painting and was fairly decent.  There are still family members who have some of those paintings hanging on their walls still.  But I had to have a teacher or a picture to do it from.  Then years later, when I had teenagers of my own, I got into painting ceramics.  But again, I had to have a picture or a teacher to tell me what colors to paint it.  I couldn’t “see” it in color.  My daughter Brandi could do that.  She would look at a piece of white bisque and see it in color so would know what it would look like if she painted it those colors.  I would look at it and see just a white piece of bisque.  Very frustrating.

Well, now my creative side is into digital scrapbooking.  And again, I have that creative problem.  I love creating new things and would love to design new kits, but for the life of me, have no idea what to put into them other than papers, frames and bows.  Every time I look at a kit, I think “Wow, that’s cool.  Wish I had thought of that.”  But I didn’t and I can’t.

Over at Hummie’s World, I am part of a Designing Class, which has been quite fun.  She has started the class of with teaching about blogs and how to start one, creating Terms of Use, kit previews and zipping, etc, etc.  You learn something new with every class she teaches.   Anyway, occasionally she also does a color challenge and this month I decided to participate in that.  So here is my kit of….papers, frames and bows.  And I added a Quick Page too.  There are 10 papers, 3 frames, 5 bows, 3 ribbons, one tag and one scripture.

MHALL_Wintr'y Wonder

Here is the free Quick Page included in the zip file

MHALL_Wintr'y Wonder_ QuickPage

         Download the papers

         Download the elements

Hope you enjoy the kit and have a God-filled day.