Here is the layout for Cheyenne and Brandi. This page will also be used for Cheyenne's scrapbook I am doing for her birthday.

And since Ella's 80th birthday is this Saturday, I am still working on her Life Book. This layout is for her book and is of Travis' family. Since Travis won't be able to be in New Braunfels this weekend, it is okay for him to see the page. Actually, he probably won't see it as he is in Kansas for another school. This one only lasts a week and he will actually be back to San Antonio Friday, but he has to stay for Drill. The closer he gets to deployment, the more important the drills are.
Anyway, here is one of his pages for his grandmother's birthday present.

And since Brandi never looks at my blog, here is one of her pages.

The first two layouts were done with the kit I designed for the July Color Challenge. I am having a lot of fun learning how to design, although they are no way as good as so many other kits out there. Anyway, here is the preview for it.

And you can download it here.